Welcome to the Limestone Coast Family Violence Action Group Blog. We are a group of service providers within the South East of South Australia (AKA the Limestone Coast) committed to promoting peaceful relationships within families. Join us for
information about family violence and up-incoming events promoting peaceful relationships in our region.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Domestic Violence Vigil

Another woman has tragically been murdered by her partner as a result of domestic violence in South Australia over the past several weeks.

Deaths due to domestic violence are both unacceptable and preventable.
If you feel the need to publicly acknowledge the loss of lives due to domestic violence, you are invited by The Coalition of Domestic Violence Services of  S.A. Inc.to attend:

When: Thursday 1st December 2011@ 4.00 pm
Where: Parliament House, Adelaide
Please bring a red rose to acknowledge the loss of lives.

The vigil is also about raising awareness that – domestic violence is not, as reported, “a domestic dispute” but a deliberate and planned strategy that  perpetrators use to retain control over women partners or former partners and children.

For further information, please contact:

 Maria Hagias                ph:     8152 0021

            Vicki Lachlan                ph:     8272 6811 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

White Ribbon Day and Australia's Loudest Shout

The 'Loudest Shout' is on again this year at the Mount Gambier Cave Gardens. This is for men and boys to shout 'NO' against violence against women. Each year they record the noise level of the shout and encourage more and more men to be involved. The event gets bigger every year.

Make your way down to the gardens by about 1200 on the 25th of November. The Lions will be putting on a sausage ...See more

White Ribbon is an organisation that is working to prevent the most common form of male violence - that towards women.